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The Propeller – The Day the Screens Stood Still: Surviving the CrowdStrike Outage of ’24! – 7-21-2024

Black Friday and The Great IT Crusade of 2024!

In a world where we thought blue screens were a myth, the unthinkable happened. A rogue software update from CrowdStrike sent Windows users into a frenzy, and IT warriors across the globe were summoned for an epic battle against the Blue Screen of Death.

The siege began on a seemingly peaceful Friday, but chaos ensued as flights grounded, shops closed, and screens everywhere turned an ominous shade of blue. The culprit? A faulty update that slipped through the digital cracks by a company called CrowdStrike and wreaked havoc on 8.5+ million devices.

As the world watched in suspense, a legion of IT heroes have worked tirelessly, their coffee cups bottomless and their keyboards ablaze. 

CrowdStrike, the inadvertent harbinger of doom, issued a heartfelt apology, and their CEO faced the music on live TV, promising a fix to the digital apocalypse. Meanwhile, IT folks everywhere are still in the trenches, working overtime, their mouse clicks echoing through the night as they restore order to the digital realm.  Ironically, the CrowdStrike CEO was the CTO of McAfee antivirus back in 2010 when McAfee had a similar blunder bringing down millions of computers back then.  Bad luck or coincidence, he has a lot of questions to answer.

So, here’s to the unsung heroes, the IT warriors still on the front lines, ensuring that our digital lives can go on.

Below are two photos depicting all the Airline traffic from American, Delta, Southwest, and United Airlines before and after what could be the biggest IT outage in U.S. history.  The second picture showing the “after” is probably the least number of airplanes in the air since 9/11/2001.  Southwest was the only airline that could keep their fleet flying, mostly due to their antiquated computer systems that have gotten them in trouble in the past, but in this case played to their favor. 

The Evolution of the Goodyear Blimp: From Aviation Icon to Social Media Influencer

Is there a bathroom on the blimp? Be sure to read below and check out the Good Year Blimps Instagram page to find out…

The Goodyear Blimp, an iconic symbol of American aviation, has a rich history that dates back to the early 20th century. The first Goodyear Blimp, known as the Pilgrim, took to the skies in 1925. This initial foray into airship aviation marked the beginning of a long legacy of aerial innovation and marketing prowess. Over the decades, the blimps have become synonymous with major sporting events, providing aerial coverage and advertising for everything from the Super Bowl to the World Series. The presence of a Goodyear Blimp overhead has long been a sign of a significant event, adding a unique and prestigious element to the occasion.  Growing up in the Akron, Ohio area, I am used to seeing them in the air all the time since they have a base there.

Fast forward to the 21st century, and the Goodyear Blimp has embraced the digital age, becoming a social media influencer in its own right. Recognizing the power of social media to engage with a global audience, Goodyear has established a strong presence on platforms like Instagram and Facebook. The blimps now share behind-the-scenes glimpses of their operations, stunning aerial photography, and updates from their travels across the country. This shift to social media has allowed the blimp to maintain its relevance in a rapidly changing media landscape, connecting with both long-time fans and new followers alike. By leveraging the reach of social media, the Goodyear Blimp has transformed from a mere advertising tool into an interactive and beloved personality, bridging the gap between its storied past and its dynamic present. Whether it’s posting about a scenic flight over a major city or sharing fun facts about aviation, the Goodyear Blimp continues to soar high, both in the skies and online.

Follow the Goodyear Blimp on Instagram here: 


Oh, and yes, there is a small lavatory on the Goodyear Blimp.  It can stay in the air for 20+ hours, and those long flights over sporting events would be interesting without one!

Here is another interesting fact – The Goodyear Blimp, despite its name, is not actually a blimp. It is a semi-rigid Zeppelin NT airship, not a non-rigid blimp.

Tech Tip: Optimize Your Lighting for Computer Work

Good lighting is crucial when working on a computer to reduce eye strain and enhance productivity. Here are a few tips to optimize your lighting setup:

  1. Use Natural Light: Whenever possible, position your workspace near a window to benefit from natural light. However, avoid having the light directly behind or in front of your screen to prevent glare and reflections.

  2. Adjust Overhead Lighting: Ensure your overhead lighting is evenly distributed and not too harsh. Use diffused light fixtures to soften the brightness and minimize shadows on your screen.

  3. Task Lighting: Invest in a good quality desk lamp with adjustable brightness. Aim the light at your work area, not directly at your screen, to illuminate your workspace without creating glare.

  4. Screen Brightness: Adjust your computer screen brightness to match the ambient lighting in the room. Too bright or too dim screens can cause eye fatigue.

  5. Anti-Glare Screens: Consider using an anti-glare screen protector to reduce reflections and ease eye strain.

By optimizing your lighting, you can create a comfortable and efficient workspace, reducing eye fatigue and boosting your overall productivity.

What I read this Week

As a tech enthusiast, diving into books that offer insights into human behavior and leadership can be incredibly enlightening, even if they don’t directly pertain to technology. Patrick Lencioni’s “The Motive” is one such book that delves into the fundamental drivers behind leadership roles, offering valuable perspectives applicable across various industries, including the tech sector.

“The Motive” by Patrick Lencioni is a concise yet powerful exploration of leadership motives, focusing on the distinction between two primary motives that drive leaders: reward-centered leadership and responsibility-centered leadership. Lencioni, known for his engaging storytelling and practical insights, presents a compelling narrative that challenges conventional notions of success and fulfillment in leadership roles.

One of the book’s strengths lies in its ability to provoke introspection among leaders, prompting them to evaluate their own motives and aspirations. Through relatable anecdotes and well-crafted scenarios, Lencioni highlights the pitfalls of pursuing leadership solely for personal gain or recognition, advocating instead for a deeper sense of purpose rooted in service and responsibility.

The book’s central thesis revolves around the concept of servant leadership, emphasizing the importance of prioritizing the needs of others and the organization above one’s own self-interest. Lencioni argues that leaders who adopt this mindset not only inspire greater loyalty and commitment from their teams but also experience a more profound sense of fulfillment and satisfaction in their roles.

The Difference Between Reward-centered and Responsibility-centered Leadership: Lencioni outlines two primary motives that drive leaders—seeking rewards such as money, power, or status versus taking responsibility for the well-being of the team and the organization. He elucidates how these contrasting motives shape leadership behaviors and ultimately impact organizational culture and performance.

The Importance of Servant Leadership: A key takeaway from the book is the concept of servant leadership, wherein leaders prioritize the needs of others and serve the greater good of the organization. Lencioni illustrates how adopting a servant mindset fosters trust, collaboration, and long-term success, positioning leaders as catalysts for positive change rather than self-serving figures.

Finding Fulfillment Through Purpose-driven Leadership: “The Motive” underscores the idea that true fulfillment in leadership stems from a sense of purpose beyond personal gain. By aligning one’s motives with the greater mission of the organization and the well-being of its stakeholders, leaders can derive meaning and satisfaction from their roles, transcending the pursuit of external rewards.

In summary, “The Motive” offers a thought-provoking exploration of leadership motives and the underlying principles that drive effective leadership. With its actionable insights and compelling narrative, it serves as a valuable resource for leaders seeking to cultivate a sense of purpose, responsibility, and fulfillment in their roles.

Pick up your copy here:

Stay awesome and may your inbox be spam-free,

This is re-published from the weekly email sent by Leonard Mack entitled The Propeller. To subscribe, visit and read it every Sunday evening.

This intellectual nourishment is intended for informational purposes only. One should not construe anything herein as being legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice.

My rule is this – I have no advice to give, only experience to share. I have no interest in being a guru or telling people what they should do. Rather, I share my own experience because there is no right or wrong. Your mileage may vary.