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The Propeller – Back Up Your Seeds, Back Up Your Files—Whether You’re a Plant or a Computer, Nobody Likes Starting Over – 9-29-2024

The Svalbard Global Seed Vault: Humanity’s Last-Chance Salad Bar in the Frozen North

This is the vault at the end of the world—literally—where all the existing seeds on the planet are kept. Located in the Svalbard archipelago, Norway, about 1,300 kilometers from the North Pole, the Svalbard Global Seed Vault is the ultimate backup plan for the world’s agriculture. Opened in 2008, this underground warehouse is designed to preserve up to 4.5 million varieties of seeds from around the globe, acting as a safety net for our food supply in the face of natural disasters, conflict, and climate change. It’s essentially a giant, very chilly insurance policy for genetic biodiversity.

Built into the frozen mountainside, the vault remains naturally refrigerated by the surrounding permafrost, ensuring the seeds stay viable for decades—or even centuries. It’s like the ultimate freezer, but instead of popsicles, it’s stocked with the building blocks of human civilization. Wheat, corn, rice, and yes, even that obscure herb your neighbor swears makes the best tea—it’s all in there.

So, in case the world is ever destroyed and you find yourself as the lone survivor, you know where to go. You can be the hero who restarts civilization, one seed at a time. Just imagine: it’s the apocalypse, and there you are, trekking across icy wastelands to open the vault and emerge triumphantly, arms loaded with seeds. “Who wants some kale?!” you’ll shout to the empty tundra, and if nothing else, you’ll have the most diverse salad selection the world (or what’s left of it) has ever seen.

Tech: The Importance of Backing Up Your Data
(And How to Do It Right!)

When was the last time you backed up your data? If your answer is anything like “I’m not sure” or “Never,” then it’s time for a change. Losing important files due to a hardware failure, accidental deletion, or even a security breach can be a nightmare. Fortunately, modern technology has made backing up easier than ever, with cloud storage services like Microsoft OneDrive ready to safeguard your data.

Why Should You Back Up Your Data?

Backing up your data means creating copies of your files that can be used to restore the originals in case of data loss. Whether it’s personal photos, work documents, or creative projects, data loss can have devastating consequences. A few key reasons to back up your data include:

  • Hardware Failure: Hard drives can fail without warning, taking all your data with them.
  • Accidental Deletion: It’s easy to mistakenly delete a crucial file or folder.
  • Cyber Threats: Ransomware attacks are on the rise, and losing access to your files could become a very expensive problem.
  • Disasters: Fires, floods, or theft can result in physical data loss, which makes offsite backups essential.

Choosing the Right Backup Strategy

A good backup strategy involves keeping at least two copies of your data in different locations. This can be achieved by using a combination of cloud storage and external drives.

  1. Cloud Backups: Using a cloud service means your files are safe even if your hardware fails. Microsoft OneDrive is a great option for this because of its integration with Windows and Microsoft 365. It allows you to easily save your files to the cloud and access them from any device.

  2. Local Backups: It’s a good idea to have a physical backup on an external drive. External hard drives or even network-attached storage (NAS) can provide a local backup option that complements your cloud storage.

How to Back Up Your Data with Microsoft OneDrive

OneDrive is a cloud-based storage service offered by Microsoft, and it’s integrated directly into Windows 10 and Windows 11, making it a convenient option for many users. Here’s how you can use OneDrive to back up your files:

  1. Sign In and Set Up: If you’re on Windows, OneDrive is already installed. Just click the OneDrive icon in your system tray and sign in with your Microsoft account. You’ll get 5 GB of free storage, or you can upgrade for more space with a Microsoft 365 subscription.

  2. Choose Folders to Sync: Once you’re signed in, you can select which folders you want to back up to OneDrive. You can choose to sync common folders like Documents, Pictures, and Desktop so they’re always protected. Just right-click a folder, select “Move to OneDrive,” and let the service do the rest.

  3. Access Anywhere: Once your files are synced to OneDrive, they’ll be accessible from any device where you sign in with your Microsoft account. This means you can pull up your documents on your phone, tablet, or a different computer whenever you need them.

Other Backup Services to Consider

While OneDrive is an excellent choice (And the one I personally use), there are other cloud services worth considering based on your needs:

  • Google Drive: If you’re more in the Google ecosystem, Google Drive offers 15 GB of free storage and works well across devices, including Android and iOS.
  • Apple iCloud: Mac and iPhone users might find Apple iCloud the most convenient option, providing seamless integration across Apple devices.
  • Dropbox: Known for its easy-to-use interface, Dropbox is a popular choice for both personal and business use, offering reliable cloud storage and file sharing.

Pro Tip: Automate Your Backups

To ensure your backups are always up to date, automate the process! With OneDrive, you can set folders to automatically sync, meaning you won’t have to remember to back up your files manually. Just drop your files in your Documents folder, and OneDrive takes care of the rest. For local backups, you can also use software like Windows File History or third-party tools to schedule automatic backups to an external drive.

Keep Your Data Safe

Backing up your data may seem like a tedious task, but it’s essential in today’s digital world. By using services like Microsoft OneDrive, you’re ensuring that even if disaster strikes, your important files will be safe and sound. So take a few minutes today, set up your backup solution, and rest easy knowing your data is protected.

Remember, data loss isn’t a matter of if—it’s a matter of when. Be prepared, and you’ll be thankful you took the time to safeguard your information.

What I Just Finished Reading

Reading Burn Book by Kara Swisher is like sitting down with someone who has no filter—except that someone also happens to be one of the sharpest, most well-informed journalists in tech. If you think you know everything about Silicon Valley’s glittering successes and dumpster fires, Burn Book will have you realize that you’ve been watching the wrong channel all along. Here comes Kara, remote in hand, switching over to the juicy behind-the-scenes footage, complete with side-eye commentary.

The Burn Part: Tech Titans on Fire

Imagine walking into a room full of tech billionaires, venture capitalists, and startup hopefuls. Now imagine that Kara Swisher is there, and she’s brought a flamethrower. That’s the vibe of Burn Book. No tech titan is spared—whether it’s Elon’s endless rebranding ideas (who needs Twitter when you can have X?), Zuckerberg’s quest for a robotic metaverse, or the saga of Theranos where “fake it till you make it” took on a whole new level.

Swisher doesn’t just burn the big players; she lights up the whole industry with insightful jabs. She’s a bit like a tech version of Gordon Ramsay—you can tell there’s a deep understanding of the subject matter beneath the roasting, but there’s no time to mince words. The way she chronicles the clash of egos at the top of Silicon Valley is both damning and oddly entertaining.

Who Knew Corporate Drama Could Be So Hilarious?

At times, Burn Book reads like the script of an HBO drama. Except this one features very earnest people discussing their grand visions while tripping over their own ego-induced delusions. Swisher is the narrator you didn’t know you needed, offering both admiration and a reality check. While her commentary cuts deep, it’s also peppered with humor that leaves you smirking as you see how tech CEOs so often have their heads in the cloud—literally and metaphorically.

The funniest parts are the deadpan observations that are so obviously true, yet only Kara could frame them in this way. For example, when she describes the launch of new social media platforms as “yet another attempt to reinvent MySpace while pretending nobody remembers MySpace”—you can’t help but chuckle. She takes Silicon Valley’s tendency to recycle the same ideas and holds it up for everyone to see, all while pointing out how ludicrous some of these billion-dollar ideas truly are.

A Reality Check with a Side of Sass

But let’s not forget that, underneath the laughs and the snark, Kara has a lot of wisdom to share. She’s seen it all, and she’s not just roasting for the sake of roasting. Burn Book brings up genuine questions about tech’s influence on society, its potential, and the dangers of unrestrained power. Swisher doesn’t pull any punches—if anything, she adds some extra knuckles for good measure. Her message is clear: these tech empires are reshaping the world, but are they doing it responsibly? She asks the questions the rest of us want answered, and sometimes the silence she receives is more telling than any response.

Final Thoughts: Don’t Play With Fire… Unless You’re Kara Swisher

Burn Book is a riotous journey through the highs and lows of tech, served with a heaping spoonful of sarcasm. If you want a book that exposes Silicon Valley’s titans for their hubris, highlights the industry’s chronic amnesia, and still somehow makes you laugh out loud, this is it. Swisher may burn bridges, but she makes sure they’re worth burning first.

Remember: some books come with a spark of insight. Burn Book comes with a full-on tech industry bonfire—and it’s absolutely worth feeling the heat.

Read at your own risk; you might end up side-eyeing your favorite gadgets.

Pick up your copy here:

Quote of the Week
“Try a new pleasure. Vary your vices.”
— Robert Louis Stevenson

Exploring new experiences, whether it’s tasting exotic cuisine or learning a novel hobby, can significantly enrich our lives. Unlike material possessions that tend to fade into the background over time, experiences bring us lasting joy, deeper fulfillment, and shape who we are. Variety truly is the spice of life, and by embracing it, we can make every moment more meaningful.

Consider how trying new things can benefit you:

You discover new favorites – foods, activities, or pastimes you might have otherwise missed. Every time you step outside your comfort zone, you expand your world. You might find that you love kayaking, learning a new language, or cooking a dish from another culture. These moments bring a sense of excitement that buying another gadget simply can’t match.

You develop a more diverse palate and broader set of interests – The more we explore, the more we grow. Learning to salsa dance, visiting a different city, or even something as simple as joining a pottery class helps us gain new perspectives. These experiences broaden our minds, adding richness that can’t be found in owning just another “thing.”

You create fresh memories and stories to share with others – The latest phone will eventually be outdated, but the memory of hiking up that mountain and seeing the sunrise will stay with you forever. Experiences give us stories—real, tangible moments that we can share and relive with others, connecting us in a way that discussing our newest purchase never could.

You foster a greater sense of connection – Experiences often involve other people, whether it’s a road trip with friends, a cooking class with strangers, or attending a live concert. These shared moments forge bonds that can last a lifetime. Unlike material possessions, which are enjoyed individually, experiences are often a collective joy, building relationships that truly matter.

By actively seeking out new experiences, we add color and texture to the tapestry of our lives. Material things can offer temporary satisfaction, but the thrill of a new adventure, the joy of a creative endeavor, or the warmth of a shared moment endures far beyond the life cycle of any possession. Experiences enrich our lives in ways that things simply cannot, making them a true investment in our happiness and personal growth.

Hope you get a chance to step outside and enjoy the magic of the changing leaves—nature’s coolest color palette in action!

This is re-published from the weekly email sent by Leonard Mack entitled The Propeller. To subscribe, visit and read it every Sunday evening.

This intellectual nourishment is intended for informational purposes only. One should not construe anything herein as being legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice.

My rule is this – I have no advice to give, only experience to share. I have no interest in being a guru or telling people what they should do. Rather, I share my own experience because there is no right or wrong. Your mileage may vary.