Did you know I wrote a book?
Read about this Habitude and the other 98 in the book “Winning Habitudes: 99 Habits and Attitudes of Leaders, Visionaries, and Achievers” by me!
It is available in Print, Audiobook, and E-Book on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Audible. https://amzn.to/2O0Zh2y and https://www.winninghabitudes.com
Leprechauns supposedly hide their gold. Maybe they should invest in Index Funds!
This is re-published from the weekly email sent by Leonard Mack entitled The Propeller. To subscribe, visit https://www.LeonardMack.com/subscribe and read it every Sunday evening.
This intellectual nourishment is intended for informational purposes only. One should not construe anything herein as being legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice.
My rule is this – I have no advice to give, only experience to share. I have no interest in being a guru or telling people what they should do. Rather, I share my own experience because there is no right or wrong. Your mileage may vary.