The Propeller - Propelling you into the new week! Tips, Newsbites, and Wisdom covering Life, Technology, Entrepreneurship, Finance, and the Internet

The Propeller – How to Make $1,000,000 – February 4 2024

There is No Reward for Being Busy

Being “busy” is not the same thing as being effective. I see far too many people who think otherwise and always claim to be “busy”. Understand that the only thing that actually matters are the results you produce – and when you run around and talk about how “busy” you are without producing any results – You come off as unorganized, ineffective, and weak to everybody who knows better. That’s the truth. Successful people are effective. Unsuccessful people are busy. Start focusing on becoming highly skilled and efficient at producing results. There is no reward or pat on back for being busy. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking any differently.

Focus on impact, not activity. While staying busy can feel productive, true success comes from achieving meaningful results.

Shift your mindset. Instead of bragging about how “busy” you are, focus on celebrating your accomplishments, big or small.

Develop your skills. Invest in learning and practicing strategies that help you work smarter, not harder, to achieve your goals.

Remember, progress over perfection. Don’t get discouraged by setbacks or compare yourself to others. Celebrate every step forward, no matter how small.

Enjoy the journey. Finding fulfillment in your work doesn’t mean being constantly busy. Prioritize your well-being and create a sustainable work-life balance.

Remember, everyone’s journey is unique. What works for one person might not work for another. Focus on finding what works best for you and be kind to yourself along the way.

Finance: The Road to $1,000,000 by 35

Forget “starting from scratch,” imagine launching yourself from a rocket ship aimed straight at success! You’re 18, fresh out of high school, and the world is your oyster (with a million pearls inside!).

Your mission: Become a multi-millionaire by 35. And guess what? You have the ultimate cheat code – the distilled wisdom of your future self! Here’s your personalized launchpad to blast off.

Here’s exactly what I would do if I were starting over today.

1: Get a degree. Match strengths with the highest-paying career field and go after it. No liberal arts B.S. Go to college to earn, not learn.

2: Switch companies every 4 years. Easy money. It’s been proven that the best way to get a raise is to change jobs.  It’s worked for me during my working career.

3: Marry right. There’s no reward for marrying early. But, there’s a HUGE punishment for marrying wrong. Don’t rush, marry right.

4: Say “yes” to everything. In over your head? Who cares. Figure it out. Riches come to those who say yes to opportunities.

5: Cut losers. If they’re not in to win, they’re out.

6: Heavily use credit cards (and pay them off every month). Hello, travel points, cash-back rewards, and an 800 credit score. Good credit saves you money and gives you better rates on loans, insurance, etc.

7: Start AT LEAST three businesses. The wealthiest people start their own companies. If one fails, start another.

8: Ignore haters. When you don’t act like a normal person, normal people will criticize you. That’s okay. It means you’re doing it right.

9: Invest at least 25% of your income. If your expenses are too high, CUT THEM. Investing is more important than your BMW.

10: Show up every day. Be the first one in the office. Stop taking sick days because you want to go shopping. That won’t get you rich.

11: Shut off the news. The news is only opinion anymore, not facts. It will make you afraid.  Scared people 100% have compromised emotional intelligence.

12: Automate everything. 401(k)s. Brokerage accounts. Bill pay. Everything is on auto-pilot. Automatic wealth.

13: Index and chill. Don’t day trade. 5% max in individual stocks. There’s a reason why index funds outperform most other assets.

14: NEVER keep up with the Joneses. They’re broke.

15: Learn from millionaires. Make friends with them. Ask them questions. They are the best teachers.

16: Stop sucking. Put in the work to be better. Lazy is average. Average is how you stay poor. Raise your standards and exceed them.

17: Stop being easily offended. If it’s easy to offend you, you’ll never get rich (unless you’re a highly-paid political pundent).

18: Wait to have kids. Controversial, but it works. Kids are expensive. If your priority is $1M by 35, no kids will make it 1000x easier.

There ya have it. $1,000,000 by 35 by shutting out the distractions and focusing entirely on building wealth quickly. Then, you can coast all the way to traditional retirement at 65 or retiring early and living a stress-free life.

Tech: Don’t Get Lost in the Specs – Buying A New Laptop Computer

So, the hunt for a new laptop begins! I know the excitement that comes with this techy quest. But fear not, for I’m here to equip you with the knowledge to navigate the digital jungle and emerge victorious – with the perfect laptop in tow.

Know Your Needs, Not Just the Numbers:

First things first, ditch the spec sheet obsession. It’s tempting to get caught up in gigahertz and megapixels, but remember, numbers don’t tell the whole story. Ask yourself:

  • What will I be using this laptop for? Basic browsing and emails? Creative pursuits like photo editing? Hardcore gaming?
  • Do I prioritize portability or a larger screen?
  • How important is battery life to me?

Tailoring your search based on your actual needs will guide you towards machines that truly resonate with your workflow.

Beyond the Processor:

While the CPU is crucial, other components play equally important roles:

  • RAM: 8GB is the minimum for most users, but consider 16GB for multitasking or demanding applications.
  • Storage: Solid-state drives (SSDs) offer blazing-fast speeds compared to traditional hard drives. Aim for at least 256GB, or more if you store large files.
  • Display: Look for crisp resolution (Full HD at least), good viewing angles, and consider touchscreens for added versatility.
  • Keyboard & Trackpad: Comfort is key! Test ergonomics and responsiveness before committing.

Don’t Forget the Extras:

Think about ports (USB-C is a must-have), webcam quality (especially for video calls), and operating system preference (Windows or macOS?). Consider warranty options and upgradeability for future-proofing.

Bonus Tip: Online reviews are your friends! Read user experiences to get real-world insights into specific models.

Remember, the perfect laptop is out there, waiting to be your tech partner. By focusing on your needs and not just the specs, you’ll find a machine that empowers your productivity and fuels your digital journey. Happy hunting!

P.S. Feel free to share your tech adventures and questions with me via email! I’m always happy to help out a reader of The Propeller.

Quote of the Week

“Colors fade, temples crumble, empires fall, but wise words endure.”
Edward Thorndike


Words create ripples through time and space.

Choose them wisely—for they hold more power than you can possibly imagine.

Remember, money can’t buy happiness, but it can buy pizza. So I’m off to get some. Ciao!

This is re-published from the weekly email sent by Leonard Mack entitled The Propeller. To subscribe, visit and read it every Sunday evening.

This intellectual nourishment is intended for informational purposes only. One should not construe anything herein as being legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice.

My rule is this – I have no advice to give, only experience to share. I have no interest in being a guru or telling people what they should do. Rather, I share my own experience because there is no right or wrong. Your mileage may vary.