The Propeller - Propelling you into the new week! Tips, Newsbites, and Wisdom covering Life, Technology, Entrepreneurship, Finance, and the Internet

The Propeller – Road Rage: When Your Car Becomes a Mobile Therapy Session! – 10-6-2024

Finance: 99% of Financial Advice is just … Bad

It’s not that people are intentionally dishing out bad advice.  No, the bigger problem is people just regurgitate what they read online as if it were fact without realizing it’s bad.

I achieved financial independence several years ago, and I’ve been knee-deep in personal finance for the past several years.  

I’ve seen my fair share of bad advice.

And guess what? I have given out some bad advice in the past too.  But I’ve learned from those mistakes and built a solid foundation based on successful experience.

Today, I’m going to share with you the 15 worst pieces of financial advice I’ve ever heard over the years.  Chances are you’ve heard some of these, too.

Don’t follow them. 

1: Carry a balance on your credit cards to improve your credit score

I never carry a balance.  And I maintain a credit score around 830.  This advice is downright criminal.

2: Your 9 to 5 won’t make you rich

With proper money management skills, your 9-to-5 CAN MAKE YOU RICH.  It happens all the time.  The keys to making 9 to 5’s work?

Switch jobs often to increase salary, Invest in your 401(k), Invest in your HSA if you have one, spend less than you make, Work your butt off, daily

3: Follow your passion

That’s terrible advice.  Your passion won’t pay your bills, but your strengths will. Pursue a career that aligns with your strengths. Save the passions for your hobbies that you do outside of work.  Maximize your earning potential.  I’m a clear exmaple of this – I’m passionate about flying, but my strengths are in technical and business areas.  I’ve made a career out of Tech instead of being a pilot while I fly planes for fun as a hobby.

4: Save 10%, and you’ll be set

On so many levels, this is nonsensical.  

Life spans are expanding
Taxation on the rise
Jobs are changing

10% won’t cut it.  Fully fund your 401(k) and Roth IRA.  Build an emergency fund.  Your future will thank you.

5: The mortgage you’re approved for is what you can afford

2009 is proof that’s a lie.  Your approved mortgage is the risk the lender will take on YOU.  Nothing more.  Don’t let the lender make you house-poor.

6: Watching Netflix will make you poor

Watching Netflix isn’t the issue.  It’s a lack of motivation. An unmotivated person who cancels Netflix will replace it with another distraction.  You aren’t a lazy if you watch Netflix.  Just keep it in moderation.

7: You only live once

In other words, “Spend your cash on temporary happiness crap.”

How about this: You only live once. Achieve Financial Independence and do whatever the heck you want.  That sounds much better to me.

8: Never use a credit card

Using a credit card responsibly is one of the best ways to maximize your dollar. Why?

Build credit
Fraud protection
Acquire airline miles
Warranties on purchase

Let credit work for you.

Just be sure to pay your credit card off every month.

9: You gotta hustle 24/7

This awful advice traps people into a life of burnout.

Your rest and relaxation time is required to hustle. It’s healthy. Without rest, there’s no hustle.  Give yourself enough rest to wake up every morning ready to go.  If you wake up tired, you’re burning yourself out.

10: There is no such thing as good debt

Untrue. Smart debts pay off.  

Student loans (In a worthwhile field)
Business loans
Home equity loans
Mortgages (sometimes)

“All debts are bad” is elementary school thinking.

11: Crypto is the future

Nobody knows that.  Not you.  Not me.  Never take advice from people who believe they can predict the future.  Ever.

12: College is useless

College graduates earn more than non-grads. Them’s the facts.

Exceptions apply but never count on being an exception.

Don’t allow people to talk you out of a smart career foundation.  This might be college.  It might be a trade school.  It might be a series of certifications.

Now, it’s true that college is expensive, but here are ways to make college cheaper.

13: Your credit score doesn’t matter

This is something people with low credit scores say.  A good credit score means things are cheaper. What types of things?

Car loans
Business loans
Insurance rates
Security deposits
And, don’t forget: Employers/landlords now check your credit.

14: Don’t worry about saving, just earn more.

This is a fallacy.  The more you earn, the worse your spending problem gets.  You will NEVER be able to out-earn destructive spending habits.  Ever.

15: Investing is gambling.

With gambling, your odds are not good.  Investments, however, have a clear and direct history of making a LOT of people filthy rich.

Not your salary
Not your savings
Not your upbringing

Your investments.

Turning Road Rage into Road Laughs

Picture this: you’re circling the parking lot, hunting for a spot, and then you see it. A lone car parked diagonally across two spaces, like it’s claiming territory for a new civilization. Enter, here to make your parking lot frustrations not just bearable, but downright hilarious.

The Mighty Parking Cards: For the “Special” Parkers

What do you do when someone parks like they threw their car from a passing helicopter? You could scream, but why strain your vocal cords when you have Parking Cards? These brilliant little gems are the perfect way to communicate what we’re all thinking, minus the confrontation.

Just slide a card under their windshield wiper that says something like, “You Suck at Parking!” and walk away knowing you’ve brought a bit of humor to an otherwise aggravating situation. It’s satisfying, it’s sarcastic, and it saves you from getting into a shouting match in the grocery store lot. Plus, they might just think twice before hogging three spots again. 

The Flipbook: Your Road Trip Comedy Companion

Let’s not forget about the crown jewel: the Road Rage Signs Flipbook. This handy little tool is a game changer on road trips. Imagine you’re cruising down the highway, and a car zooms past, cutting you off like it’s on a mission to Mars. Instead of white-knuckling the steering wheel and cursing into the void, just flip to a sign that says, “Thanks for cutting me off!”

Suddenly, you’re not just driving — you’re performing a comedy show for your passengers! Kids love it, your friends love it, and even you love it. It turns the annoying moments into laughable memories. Each flip is a chance to spread a little road trip joy, with quips like, “I hope that Cell Phone gives you Cancer” or “Are you driving that to the dump?”

Why These Products Are Exactly What You Need

Reduce Stress, Increase Laughs: The Parking Cards are your secret weapon for keeping calm in the wild jungle of parking lots. Slip one onto a poorly parked car, and suddenly, your frustration is transformed into pure satisfaction.

Entertain the Crew: Whether it’s a long drive to the beach or just another daily commute, the Flipbook adds a bit of flair to your journey. It’s a crowd-pleaser, especially when everyone’s a little cranky after hour five on the highway.

Passive-Aggressive with a Punchline: Both the Parking Cards and the Flipbook are the perfect tools for expressing how you feel without escalating things. You get to share a laugh, make a point, and still feel like you’ve got the upper hand.

Turning Annoyances into Adventures with, you can take the rage out of road rage. From leaving Parking Cards for the oblivious parkers of the world to flipping hilarious signs at reckless drivers, you get to add a dash of humor to the madness of everyday driving. Because if you’re going to deal with the chaos of the open road, you might as well do it with a smile (and a sarcastic sign or two).

So, stock up on Parking Cards, keep that Flipbook handy, and remember: every bad parker and annoying driver is just another opportunity to spread a little laughter. And maybe, just maybe, you’ll make the road — and the parking lot — a better place for us all.

These would make a great holiday gift for that person who has everything!  Order some today at 

What I’ve been listening to

With my recent move to Akron and still having a house in Columbus to take care of until it recently sold, I have had plenty of time in the car driving back and forth.  This has given me time to listen to an amazing podcast – The Crimes of Putin’s Trader, hosted by CNBC’s Senior Washington Correspondent Eamon Javers.  It is a gripping podcast that dives into the shadowy world of Russian oligarchs, hackers, and international intrigue. The series follows the story of Vladislav Klyushin, a young Russian trader who leveraged illicit methods to make an eye-watering $93 million, and the subsequent FBI investigation that aimed to bring him to justice.

The podcast shines through its detailed narrative, effectively painting the backdrop of Russian politics and corruption, and the lengths to which individuals will go for power and wealth. Javers’ investigative approach keeps listeners hooked, as each episode reveals new twists and turns in Klyushin’s story. The storytelling is complemented by expert insights, interviews, and FBI accounts, which give listeners a deeper understanding of the international implications of the case.

The pacing of the series is well-managed, maintaining suspense and ensuring each episode ends with enough intrigue to pull you into the next. The technicalities of hacking and financial crimes are explained in layman’s terms, making it accessible even for those without a background in finance or cybersecurity.

Overall, The Crimes of Putin’s Trader is a fascinating listen for those interested in geopolitics, white-collar crime, and espionage. The combination of real-life drama, financial intrigue, and the meticulous efforts of law enforcement makes it both an informative and entertaining series.

Check it out on your favorite podcast player, or HERE

Do you have a favorite podcast?  Share your feedback below and share the name of your podcast and why you like it.  I’m always looking for new podcasts to listen to.  

Tech: Why I Can’t Live Without Microsoft OneNote: My Ultimate Note-Taking Companion

In an age where information is abundant and multitasking is the norm, having a reliable tool for note-taking and organization is crucial. For me, that tool is Microsoft OneNote. As someone who juggles various work and personal projects simultaneously, OneNote has become my go-to digital notebook, helping me capture ideas, organize thoughts, and stay on top of everything.

Why I Use Microsoft OneNote Daily

Flexible Organization
One of the features I love most about OneNote is its flexibility. I can create multiple notebooks for different areas of my life—like one for work projects, another for personal goals, and a separate one for my tech blogging ideas. Within each notebook, I have sections and pages to further organize my notes. This setup allows me to easily find what I need without wasting time sifting through disorganized papers or files.

Multimedia Support
My work often involves brainstorming sessions, so I find myself needing to capture ideas in various formats. OneNote supports everything from text to images, audio recordings, and even web clippings.  This multimedia capability means I can create rich and dynamic notes that fit my workflow perfectly.

Seamless Collaboration
Collaboration is essential in my work, and OneNote makes it incredibly easy. I frequently share my notebooks with colleagues for feedback or group projects. The ability to collaborate in real-time is a game-changer; we can brainstorm together, add comments, and make edits instantly. This has made my team’s communication much smoother and more effective.

Cross-Device Accessibility
As someone who is always on the move, I appreciate how OneNote syncs across all my devices—Desktops, laptops, tablet, and smartphone. If an idea strikes me while I’m out, I can quickly jot it down on my phone and access it later on my laptop. This cross-device functionality ensures that my notes are always within reach, no matter where I am.

Powerful Search Functionality
With so many projects running concurrently, keeping track of everything can get overwhelming. OneNote’s robust search feature has saved me countless hours. I can quickly find specific notes or even search for text within images. For instance, when I was preparing for a presentation, I needed to find all relevant notes on the topic. A quick search in OneNote helped me pull everything together in minutes.

In a world filled with distractions, Microsoft OneNote stands out as my ultimate tool for enhancing my note-taking and organization skills. Its flexibility, multimedia capabilities, and collaborative features have been invaluable in managing my various work and personal projects.

If you haven’t yet given Microsoft OneNote a try, now is the perfect time to explore its capabilities. With OneNote, you can transform the way you capture and organize your thoughts, leading to greater productivity and creativity. Embrace the power of OneNote—trust me, you won’t know how you lived without it!

Free Covid Test Kits

Did you know you can get free COVID test kits delivered straight to your door from the USPS? That’s right — the government is again making it easier than ever to keep your health in check, and all you have to do is fill out a quick form online.

No matter what your political beliefs are about COVID, having test kits on hand is just smart. Whether it’s a case of sniffles, a cough, or exposure to someone who’s unwell, having these tests ready means you can check yourself or your family without scrambling to find a pharmacy. It’s especially useful when symptoms pop up at inconvenient times (because they always do!).

Plus, it’s free. No need to run out last minute or spend extra cash — just have them available, and use them whenever you need reassurance. Grab your free COVID test kits today, because staying prepared is always a good plan.

You can request your free test kits here:

Quote of the Week
“No one escapes the battle of being a human”
Be grateful. Be thankful. Be kind. 

Be grateful for the blessings we have received. Could life be better? Perhaps, but why would God give you more if you are not grateful for what you have now.

Be thankful for all the great people that have aided you in your life. I know I wouldn’t be in the place I am now if many hands didn’t guide or nudge me in the right direction.

Be kind to those around you. I think it is human nature to judge, but we must give people grace since we don’t see the full story. Far too many times nature kicks in and I catch myself judging another only to be humbled by realizing I didn’t know the full story.

We can light the world by sharing our light with those around us. One helpful hand at a time.

Drive safe, stay calm, and remember: a smile is better than road rage (plus, it saves on gas and stress)

This is re-published from the weekly email sent by Leonard Mack entitled The Propeller. To subscribe, visit and read it every Sunday evening.

This intellectual nourishment is intended for informational purposes only. One should not construe anything herein as being legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice.

My rule is this – I have no advice to give, only experience to share. I have no interest in being a guru or telling people what they should do. Rather, I share my own experience because there is no right or wrong. Your mileage may vary.