The Propeller - Propelling you into the new week! Tips, Newsbites, and Wisdom covering Life, Technology, Entrepreneurship, Finance, and the Internet

The Propeller – Let’s Go Shopping – 5-19-2024

A Shopper’s Best Friend

This is for the tech enthusiasts, shoppers, and organizational wizards! Let’s dive into the treasure chest of productivity and unearth a gem that’s about to make your life a whole lot easier: location notifications on Google Keep. If you’re anything like me, juggling a million things at once, this feature is about to become your new best friend. And shoutout to my pal Shawn for inspiring this tech adventure—thanks, buddy!

So, what’s the big deal about location notifications? Picture this: you’re driving home from work, minding your own business, when your phone pings. It’s Google Keep, reminding you to pick up those avocados from the grocery store you’re about to pass. How cool is that?  Even better is the fact that Google Keep is a completely free app!

The Shopping List Game-Changer

Here’s the scenario. You’ve got a shopping list as long as your arm, but it’s split between several stores. There’s Trader Joe’s for your fancy cheese, Target for those amazing storage bins, and Home Depot for the elusive perfect paint shade. Traditionally, this would mean scrolling through a single, massive list and mentally filtering out the items for each store. But with Google Keep’s location notifications, it’s like having a personal assistant who knows exactly where you are and what you need to buy.

How to Set It Up:

  1. Create a Note: Open Google Keep and create a note (in list format) for each store. Let’s start with your grocery list for Trader Joe’s.
  2. Add Your Items: List all the delicious goodies you need. Avocados, Greek yogurt, almond butter—check, check, check.
  3. Set the Location: Tap the three dots (more options) in the bottom right, then “Remind me,” and choose “Place.” Type in Trader Joe’s and select the location.
  4. Rinse and Repeat: Do the same for your other lists at different stores. Now, you’ve got Target and Home Depot covered too.

The Magic Moment

Next time you’re out and about, your phone will buzz as you near each store, reminding you exactly what you need to pick up. No more driving past the store only to remember you needed milk. Google Keep’s got your back!

Why You’ll Love It

  1. Stress-Free Shopping: With your lists organized by location, shopping trips are streamlined and stress-free.
  2. Never Forget Again: Those “Oops, I forgot!” moments are a thing of the past.
  3. Feel Like a Tech Wizard: Impress your friends with your high-tech shopping prowess. They’ll be amazed at how on top of things you are!

And let’s not forget, this genius idea came from my friend Shawn. So here’s a big thank you, Shawn, for nudging me to explore this fantastic feature. You’ve officially saved us all from the agony of forgotten shopping list items!

Happy shopping, tech lovers!

Do you have any tech tips or features you want to share? Drop me an email, and let’s geek out together!

No Such Thing as Water Under the Bridge

Fun Fact: There are no bridges across the Amazon River.

When it comes to the Amazon River, there’s no such thing as water under the bridge. The idiom simply doesn’t apply there, as no bridges cross the Amazon River despite it being at least 4,000 miles long. This isn’t because the idea has never occurred to anyone — it would just be extremely difficult to build any. The Amazon has both a dry season and a rainy season, and during the latter its waters rise 30 feet, causing 3-mile-wide crossings to grow by a factor of 10 as previously dry areas are submerged. The river bank itself is also in a near-constant state of erosion due to how soft the sediment it consists of is, and there’s no shortage of debris floating in the water.

Beyond all those logistical hurdles, there simply isn’t much use for bridges across the massive river. For one thing, there are few roads on either side of the Amazon that need to be connected. The river is, of course, in the middle of a dense rainforest, the vast majority of which is sparsely populated. Other long rivers have numerous crossings, however: The Nile has nine bridges in Cairo alone, for instance, and more than 100 bridges have been built across China’s Yangtze River in the last three decades.

The Amazon River’s sheer size, remote location, and challenging environmental conditions have long deterred traditional engineering solutions. Even the most advanced AI systems, known for their problem-solving prowess, struggle with this conundrum. AI might excel at complex calculations and logistical planning, but when it comes to taming the wild and unpredictable forces of nature, like the Amazon’s dynamic flow and dense rainforest, it falls short. Current technologies, while sophisticated, can’t yet overcome the combination of geographical isolation, ecological sensitivity, and the logistical nightmare of construction in such a remote area. This highlights the limits of our technological advancements and underscores the need for innovative solutions that blend AI’s analytical power with practical, sustainable engineering approaches.

For now, boats and ferries are the preferred method of crossing the Amazon and are likely to remain so for the foreseeable future.

Always Stand in the Arena and Dare Mighty Things

Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure… than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.

Theodore Roosevelt


Always stand in the arena. Dare mighty things.  Actively engage with life, embrace challenges, and pursue our highest aspirations with courage and determination. By stepping into the arena and daring mighty things, we not only achieve greatness but also inspire others to do the same. So, gear up, step forward, and let your journey toward mighty achievements begin.

Maximizing Your Investments: The Best Moves to Make in May

As we step into the vibrant month of May, it’s time to reassess and fine-tune our investment strategies to ensure a prosperous rest of the year ahead. May is a unique time in the investment calendar, presenting specific opportunities and challenges that can significantly impact your portfolio. Here’s a rundown of the best things to do with your investments in May.

1. Rebalance Your Portfolio
Spring is in full swing, making it an ideal time to give your investment portfolio a thorough spring cleaning. Review your asset allocation and ensure it aligns with your risk tolerance and investment goals. Over the past year, market fluctuations may have skewed your original allocations. Rebalancing helps manage risk and maintain your desired level of diversification.

2. Capitalize on Seasonal Trends
May often signals the onset of the “sell in May and go away” strategy, rooted in the historical observation that stock market returns tend to be weaker from May to October. While not foolproof, considering this trend could lead you to move into safer, less volatile assets or sectors known for resilience during the summer months, such as utilities or consumer staples.  This is, of course, if you are invested in something other than Index funds/ETFs (Which is what I recommend)

3. Check Dividend Stocks
Many companies declare dividends in May, making it a great time to evaluate your dividend stock holdings if you have any. Look for companies with a strong track record of paying and increasing dividends. Reinvesting dividends or adding to your positions in these companies can enhance long-term growth through compounding.

4. Tax Planning
May is an excellent time to revisit your tax strategy, especially if you’re reeling from the impact of April’s tax season. Consider tax-loss harvesting to offset any gains with losses from underperforming investments. Additionally, max out contributions to tax-advantaged accounts like IRAs and 401(k)s to reduce taxable income.  Don’t wait until the end of the year – it will be to late!

5. Explore Growth Opportunities
With the summer ahead, research sectors poised for growth in the coming months. Technology and healthcare often present compelling opportunities. Keep an eye on earnings reports and industry trends that could indicate lucrative investments. Companies gearing up for significant product launches or regulatory approvals could offer substantial growth potential.  This can also apply to sector related funds.

6. Review Your Emergency Fund
An often-overlooked aspect of investment planning is ensuring you have a robust emergency fund. With the economic uncertainties that can arise, it’s crucial to have liquid assets readily available. May is a good time to review and adjust your emergency fund to cover at least six months of living expenses.

May is more than just the gateway to summer; it’s a critical month for making strategic adjustments to your investment portfolio. From rebalancing and dividend checks to exploring new growth opportunities and revisiting tax strategies, these steps can help ensure your investments are well-positioned for the rest of the year. So, take advantage of the spring energy, review your portfolio, and make those savvy moves to keep your financial future bright and prosperous.

Happy investing, and may your portfolio bloom as beautifully as the May flowers!

That’s a wrap for this, and a start to your new week!

This intellectual nourishment is intended for informational purposes only. One should not construe anything herein as being legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice.

My rule is this – I have no advice to give, only experience to share. I have no interest in being a guru or telling people what they should do. Rather, I share my own experience because there is no right or wrong. It takes the pressure off. Your mileage may vary.